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Registration Agent


Added to our service catalog, we are issuers of the Serasa Experian Digital Certificate. With the entire portfolio of Serasa certificates available for you and your company.

Complete Portfolio in Digital Certificates

The Digital Certificate is the electronic identity of people or companies, it is like a virtual identification card. It is a more sustainable, modern and secure alternative to paper documents.


Your Certificate Available in the following formats:

A1 | Software

Certificate installed on a computer and valid for one year. The main advantages are its ease of use and the possibility of automating processes, such as issuing electronic invoices.

A3 | Physical Media

These are physical media certificates, USB tokens or chip cards, valid for up to three years, which must be connected to the computer to work. This way, it is more portable and can be taken anywhere.

Who can have a Digital Certificate

Anyone can have one, depending on the purpose for which it will be used. For example: a businessman can have an e-CPF (which is intended for individuals) and an e-CNPJ (which he will use to fulfill the company's tax commitments).

Our Difference


We help our customers from issuing, supporting and installing their certificate.

We come to your company to issue and provide full assistance with your certificate, whatever format you choose.


Not just an agent, but a team ready to assist in issuing a Serasa Experian Digital Certificate.

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